JOIN NOW. Pinocchio: The Full Cast of Netflix's 2021 Movie Meet the A-List Cast of Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio Movie. Hellboy Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. The cast announced the news on a scripted Zoom call, which was shared to … Cast: Song Joong Ki, Kim Ji Won, Jang Dong Gun, Kim Ok Bin We’re still waiting for confirmation that Arthdal Chronicles season 2 is coming to Netflix in 2021, but we can confirm that a second season is on its way. January will also bring Netflix's adaptation of Fate: The Winx Saga, a teen-oriented fantasy series adventure. 2021 Expects Arrival Season two ended with a deadly couple moving in together after killing almost everyone who had crossed their paths, including the comedian Henderson, landlord Delilah, Joe’s ex-Candace, and Love’s brother Forty. Love them or hate them, Netflix is the most popular streaming service out right now and they produce some of the most binge-worthy series as original movies. New Netflix Original Series Coming in 2021 & Beyond Anatomy of a Scandal. and on! The Gray Man Cast 2021. Netflix add their new drops at 8am, so you'll be able to kick off January 1 with a film. Plus, there are new movies, including Outside the Wire, The White Tiger, and Penguin Bloom, the latter of which arrives at the end of the month. México, which will turn up mid-month. Available January 26, 2021 Go Dog Go — NETFLIX FAMILY Handy and inventive pup Tag chases adventure with her best pal, Scooch, solving problems and helping the citizens of Pawston along the way. For now, we'll just have to wait with the news that Shadow and Bone will be on Netflix in April 2021. CAST FOR FIRST DUTCH NETFLIX FILM FOREVER RICH REVEALED. The third season, the first under the Netflix banner, will join them for another round of the competition. Netflix is kicking off the new year with actual kicks as Cobra Kai Season 3 rolls into the dojo. There's always something new to discover and new TV shows and movies are added every week! So, what's coming to Netflix in January 2021? No wonder you’re thinking about landing a role! After escaping after decades of imprisonment by a mortal wizard, Dream, the personification of dreams, sets about to reclaim his lost equipment. Directed by Shady El-Hamus. Here's everything coming to Netflix in January 2021. Producers are looking for kid actors … Based on when season 7 was added to Netflix, The Blacklist season 8 release date on Netflix should be sometime in September or October 2021. New seasons of series like Disenchantment and Carmen Sandiego are set to arrive, as well as reality competition favorites like Blown Away and ¡Nailed It! JOIN NOW SIGN IN. We know the Netflix renewed shows 2020-21 scorecard, but what about the Netflix renewals for the 2021-22 season? And next year, this shall become a full-fledged weekly comedy panel show with the Cobra Kai cast and Bill Burr hosting the first 2021 episode. On Dec. 10, Netflix announced all six episodes of the series' first season will drop on Jan. 22, 2021. As the streaming industry leader, Netflix rolls into 2021 riding high, with almost 200 million subscribers. You can watch as much as you want, whenever you want without a single commercial – all for one low monthly price. See All 2021 Movies, List of New Upcoming Movies Coming Out in 2021. Netflix has revealed the list of shows and movies coming in January 2021 and, unfortunately, Lucifer season 5B is not one of them. Cast Info, Trailers, Clips and Photos. Find out the latest Netflix casting calls, movies, and TV show news for Netflix. Backstage is your source for finding Netflix casting calls and auditions. We Can Be Heroes will arrive on Netflix on New Years Day in 2021. 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Netflix has renewed Never Have I Ever for a second season, to premiere in 2021. With Tom Sturridge. No more waiting, here’s the list of main cast in The Gray Man 2021 movie by Netflix! Naturally, to launch a brand new year requires some kickass content, and Netflix is providing with another massive group of releases. Netflix is a streaming service that offers a wide variety of award-winning TV shows, movies, anime, documentaries, and more on thousands of internet-connected devices. It was a banner year for Netflix in 2020, with some of the biggest hits the streamer's ever put out. Outside the Wire. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. Casting TaylorMade is now casting for a POPULAR NETFLIX SERIES SET IN THE 1980S. Due to the current worldwide situation though, Deadline reports that a … 1h 54m Cyberpunk. The Dig Netflix trailer. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. … Genre: Drama A TV anthology series that looks into various public scandals over the years and comes from the creator of HBO’s Big Little Lies.The first season is about a sexual consent scandal and is currently set to star Michelle Dockery, Rupert Friend, and Sienna Miller. With so many new shows and movies being released, there is certainly no shortage of auditions and casting calls. Fans cannot wait to see this massive cast expand further for the unconfirmed second season, which will feature more of Leigh's fan-favorite characters (a prince, a scientist's son and a merchant's son, respectively!) Casting Talent, showcasing professionals in the fashion industry and supplying our members with opportunities in the fashion world! Casting directors are looking for middle school age girls and boys kid actors for a major TV series filming in Atlanta. Netflix auditions are open to everyone. Outer Banks is an action-adventure teen drama series created by Jonas Pate, Josh Pate, and Shannon Burke. According to a casting call earlier this year, the movie was set to film between August and December 2020. Casting Director’s who commonly work with Netflix and on Netflix productions include: David Rapaport, Lyndsey Baldasare, Elizabeth Barnes, Jennifer Euston, Ben Harris, Cody Beke, Libby Goldstein, Barbara Fiorentino, Amber Horn – the list goes on, and on, and on…. Fate: The Winx Saga is one of 2021's first Netflix shows, with a release date set for January 2021. ... 'Selena: The Series' Part 2: Netflix Release Date, Trailer, Cast, & More News. Looking for Netflix Auditions? So many casting directors have worked with Netflix, on multiple productions and these casting directors also cast … Cancelled TV Shows 2020 -, SIGN UP FOR THE CANCELLEDSOONTV.COM FREE  NEWSLETTER. If things go well amid the current coronavirus outbreak, The Baby Sitters Club season two could arrive in July 2021. It was a banner year for Netflix in 2020, with some of the biggest hits the streamer's ever put out. Let's get to it. As production begins in Stockholm, Netflix has announced casting for Vinterviken 2021, a modern adaptation of Mats Wahl’s acclaimed novel Vinterviken which was last adapted for the big screen in 1996. The series has gone down in South Korean history as one of … Amsterdam, 15 December 2020 -- Releasing an exciting first-look, Netflix and production company Fiction Valley today announced the title of the first Dutch Netflix feature film: Forever Rich.The film is written by Golden Calf winning duo, Shady El-Hamus (De Libi, Nightshade) … Netflix’s You Season 3 Faces Major Cast Reshuffle! The first trailer for the show came in December, and revealed the cast of … UPCOMING NETFLIX ORIGINALS (2020-2023) by Jake279 | created - 16 Aug 2018 | updated - 5 months ago | Public A list of original TV shows and movies in development exclusively for Netflix - listed in release order. READ MORE: ‘After Life’ season three: trailers, cast, release date and everything we know so far Netflix then confirmed The Office (US) would be available to stream again from January 2021 … Watch all you want. Netflix Reveals Casting For Vinterviken 2021 15th September 2020 . These Netflix, Sky + ITV Series are Greenlit and Casting Dec. 16, 2020, 10:00 AM U.K. Greenlit: Two Series, a Feature Film + ‘A Christmas Carol’ Are Casting for 2018 Production Netflix Netflix. One possibility about the show’s plans for the cast is that it could change drastically for each season, though whether or not that’s actually the case remains to be seen for now. Movies 2021: Nobody • The Marksman • Chaos Walking • Encanto. Lucifer season 5B update. … Pinocchio: The Full Cast of Netflix's 2021 Movie Meet the A-List Cast of Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio Movie. You’ve come to the right place. Netflix is now casting kid and teen actors in Atlanta, Georgia. Ryan Gosling; The Gray Man 2021 movie by Netflix revolves around the story of a CIA operative named Court Gentry who was betrayed by the agency itself. While we cannot say the name of the show, this is one project you do not want to miss. With their hit Kevin Spacey series House of Cards, The Get Down and their upcoming Charlize Theron series Mindhunter and original films like Godless, there are several casting calls and auditions being held around the nation for Netflix. Netflix renewals 2021-22: Follow this renewed Netflix shows and cancelled Netflix shows guide to track the status of all your favorite shows on the Netflix streaming platform. Starring: Anthony Mackie, Damson Idris, Emily Beecham. Forced to be a fugitive, how could Court Gentry escape the hunt by another formidable operative while unveiling the truth? 20 August 2020 by Amanda Prahl. Assassin’s Creed Cast Details about who will play the main characters in Netflix’s Assassin’s Creed are news that viewers can look forward to in the coming months. Receive the latest cancel/renewal, reboot and premiere date news in your inbox! Netflix is now looking for actors, models, and more for… How to Get Cast on Netflix’s ‘Outer Banks’ Netflix Outer Banks- Find casting calls, auditions, and news. More and more people are moving away from cable and just using Netflix. Created by Neil Gaiman, David S. Goyer, Allan Heinberg. The series, which was initially a YouTube Original, transferred both Seasons 1 and 2 over to the popular streaming service in mid-2020, where it fared very well. In the near future, a drone pilot sent into a war zone finds himself paired with a top-secret android officer on a mission to stop a nuclear attack. August 20, 2020 by Amanda Prahl. Netflix Auditions in 2020. It will then be available to stream globally on Netflix from Friday 29th January 2021. Auditions for Netflix TV Shows Auditions and casting calls announced for Netflix TV shows including Stranger Things, Outer Banks,The Good Place, Ozark and others for 2021.