Alphonse de Lamartine was also an Orientalist with a particular interest in Lebanon and the Middle East. Lamartine was born in Mâcon, Burgundy, on 21 October 1790. Your email address will not be published. Also, the Latin “in pacem” doesn’t sound appropriate. Even though it already had a number of good English translations, after translating L'isolement, I couldn't resist trying to come up with my own translation. No. The Society does not endorse any views expressed in individual poems or comments and reserves the right to remove any comments to maintain the decorum of this website and the integrity of the Society. De quoi nourrir vos convictions personnelles avec la référence Lac Lamartine si la seconde main fait partie intégrante de vos habitudes d'achat. Due to his great age, Jacques-Charles Dupont de l'Eure, Chairman of the Provisional Government, effectively delegated many of his duties to Lamartine. Lake! Plan détaillé INTRODUCTION Sujet amené : Époque : 19e siècle Nom de l’auteur : Alphonse de Lamartine Titre de l’œuvre/de l’extrait : Le lac dans le recueil méditations poétiques Date et lieu de publication : 1817 (création de Le lac) 1820(recueil) Courant, genre et forme littéraires : Courant : romantisme Forme : Poème Lien avec le contexte . [1] When elected in 1833 to the National Assembly, he quickly founded his own "Social Party" with some influence from Saint-Simonian ideas and established himself as a prominent critic of the July Monarchy, becoming more and more of a republican in the monarchy's last years.[1][4]. Though I am nowise qualified to judge the faithfulness of the translation, I was glued to the fluidity of your lines to the very end, which was unusual for me, since I tend to be impatient with high sentiment. ILN 9 Key G major Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's: 1 Year/Date of Composition Y/D of Comp. Bravo! Written in highly melodious and emotional verse, “Le lac” epitomises the lyrical qualities of Lamartine’s poetry. Lamartine was masterly in his use of French poetic forms. This dogma was two-fold: the unity of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with the words. He is one, in fine, who knows all, has a right to speak unreservedly, and whose speech, inspired from on high, falls on the minds and hearts of all with the authority of one who is divinely sent, and with the constraining power of one who has an unclouded faith."[7]. 1820 First Pub lication. 9 talking about this. What a magnificent comment! Make haste: we’ll strut our tiny hour, and then must quit the stage.” Jealous Time! Lamartine’s most popular poem, however, is without doubt the beautiful emotional masterpiece ‘Le Lac’ or ‘The Lake’ in English. Ainsi, toujours poussés vers de nouveaux rivages, Dans la nuit éternelle emportés sans retour, Ne pourrons-nous jamais sur l'océan des âges "A Poet in Politics: Lamartine and the Revolution of 1848", This page was last edited on 18 March 2021, at 11:11. Solid, worthwhile criticisms, which I will take to heart. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Where do you hide our human fire, our passion-prompted spasms? rochers muets ! that you felt I’d captured the mood adequately, and Read Alphonse Marie Lois de Lamartine poem:Ainsi, toujours poussés vers de nouveaux rivages, Dans la nuit éternelle emportés sans retour, Ne pourrons-nous jamais sur l'océan des âges. I think what made it for me was that the idea and mood were were carried forward with every stroke of your pen, and with utter clarity. During his term as a politician in the Second Republic, he led efforts that culminated in the abolition of slavery and the death penalty, as well as the enshrinement of the right to work and the short-lived national workshop programs. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Cuomo: ‘Governor Mussolini’ and Other Poetry by Joe Tessitore, ‘Grauballe Man’ and Other Poetry by Peter Hartley, ‘Advice from Dante’ on Mask Wearing and Other Poetry by Cynthia Erlandson, A Poem for Gina Carano: ‘Forced Out’ by Bethany Mootsey, ‘Eyes on the Prize’ and Other Poetry by C.B. Anderson, A Poem on the Death of Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021), by Joe Tessitore. But leave us, please, in pacem. The restaurant has been handed down from generation to generation since 1964. Take, too, the cares which eat them up. A political idealist who supported democracy and pacifism, his moderate stance on most issues caused many of his followers to desert him. One nightâdo you remember?âwe lay here and felt the rhythmic swish of oarsmen, slicing through your pelt. I would recommend to change lines 7-8, as “slicing through your pelt” doesn’t sound well to me, and doesn’t follow the French. nous voguions en silence ;On n’entendait au loin, sur l’onde et sous les cieux,Que le bruit des rameurs qui frappaient en cadenceTes flots harmonieux.Tout à coup des accents inconnus à la terreDu rivage charmé frappèrent les échos ;Le flot fut attentif, et la voix qui m’est chèreLaissa tomber ces mots :” à temps ! I especially enjoyed your lines 1-6, 11-12, 25-32. Here, but alone. Jeter l##ancre un seul jour ? So let us love, then. Le poète évoque les lieux qu’ils ont parcourus ensemble et des paroles prononcées par la femme aimée. A valley in Lebanon is still called the Valley of Lamartine as a commemoration of that visit, and the Lebanon cedar forest still harbors the "Lamartine Cedar", which is said to be the cedar under which Lamartine had sat 200 years ago. something worthwhile in the second language. l’année à peine a fini sa carrière,Et près des flots chéris qu’elle devait revoir,Regarde ! Le Lac de Lamartine est un poème très célèbre. Learn how your comment data is processed. Le Dernier Chant du pèlerinage d’Harold, published in 1825, revealed the charm that the English poet Lord Byron exerted over him. Lamartine le donne régulièrement à l’être aimé. Put âRemove Commentâ in the subject line and list which comments you would like removed. What a beautiful poem of love…great to have the translation. Your translation brings the essence to life. Not an easy task, but you have captured much of de Lamartine’s nostalgia and music. He takes the child from its motherâs arms, and parts with him only at the grave. Photos et extraits de ses Poésies. In this poem Lamartine talks about the ephemeral nature of life and love. je viens seul m'asseoir sur cette pierre où tu la vis s'asseoir! Alphonse de Lamartine, poème, Le Lac … This was included in his collection Méditations poétiques published in 1820 when Lamartine was only thirty years old. Raised a devout Catholic, Lamartine became a pantheist, writing Jocelyn and La Chute d'un ange. In 1829, he was elected a member of the Académie française. He blesses and consecrates the cradle, the bridal chamber, the bed of death, and the bier. Le Lac Lamartine. [8]:155, "Lamartine" redirects here. During his trip to Lebanon he had met prince Bashir Shihab II and prince Simon Karam, who were enthusiasts of poetry. The Poetical Meditations includes Lamartine's most famous single work, "Le lac." passés pour jamais !  Hours, don’t run away! Oh, this beautiful lake! Still, it is easy to critique and say, and difficult to construct and do, so take that as you will. France and the tricolor is the same thought, the same prestige, even terror, if necessary, for our enemies! forêt obscure !Vous, que le temps épargne ou qu’il peut rajeunir,Gardez de cette nuit, gardez, belle nature,Au moins le souvenir !Qu’il soit dans ton repos, qu’il soit dans tes orages,Beau lac, et dans l’aspect de tes riants coteaux,Et dans ces noirs sapins, et dans ces rocs sauvagesQui pendent sur tes eaux.Qu’il soit dans le zéphyr qui frémit et qui passe,Dans les bruits de tes bords par tes bords répétés,Dans l’astre au front d’argent qui blanchit ta surfaceDe ses molles clartés.Que le vent qui gémit, le roseau qui soupire,Que les parfums légers de ton air embaumé,Que tout ce qu’on entend, l’on voit ou l’on respire,Tout dise: Ils ont aimé ! je viens seul m’asseoir sur cette pierreOù tu la vis s’asseoir !Tu mugissais ainsi sous ces roches profondes,Ainsi tu te brisais sur leurs flancs déchirés,Ainsi le vent jetait l’écume de tes ondesSur ses pieds adorés.Un soir, t’en souvient-il ? These last are what have been improperly called the People. 6 talking about this. On 25 February 1848 Lamartine said about the Tricolored Flag: "I spoke as a citizen earlier, well! The most famous and enduring work of this collection is “Le Lac” (“The Lake”); this lyric is also Lamartine’s most frequently anthologized poem. Barrister, teacher and journalist, Michael Coy is an Irish poet who has settled permanently in the south of Spain. He readily admits to a serious rhyme-and-rhythm habit. Winner of various poetry prizes in Britain and Ireland, Michael has been published fairly regularly in the British poetry journal,”Orbis”. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers, which often crumbled away before their eyes. Alphonse de Lamartine as quoted in "A Priest" by Robert Nash (1943) on Catholic priests: "There is a man in every parish, having no family, but belonging to a family that is worldwide; who is called in as a witness and adviser in all the important affairs of human life. Lamartine made his entrance into the field of poetry with a masterpiece, Les Méditations Poétiques (1820), and awoke to find himself famous. Title The Lake Composer Niedermeyer, Louis: I-Catalogue Number I-Cat. D’après moi, il est le plus grand poète romantique que la France ait produit. Ô lac ! Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational beliefs, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. It is truly the epitome of … Eternity. Nos amis! Beautiful effort, and thanks for posting. Mistral is the most revered writer in modern Occitan literature. I’m delighted. l’année à peine a fini sa carrière, Et près des flots chéris qu’elle devait revoir, I hope I did it justice. By seeing the red flag, they'll see the flag of a party! Nothingness. quoi ! Page dédiée au poète Alphonse de Lamartine et à d'autres poètes. La poétique de ce poème comme de l'ensemble du recueil des méditations est classique, des quatrains d' alexandrins coupés à l'hémistiche donnant une harmonie, un équilibre lent propice à la description des sentiments de l'auteur. [3] He was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1825. He wrote Histoire des Girondins in 1847 in praise of the Girondists. Although my French is minimal, I believe that your translation retains the essence of beauty and passion present in the original. From then on he confined himself to prose. Littérature française du XIXe siècle - Commentaire littéraire du poème « Le Lac » extrait des Méditations poétiques d’Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869). Oh, deep and secret woods! . Et cela, aussi bien du côté du neuf que des produits Lac Lamartine occasion.
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