There are over 70 million lingalophones. Tone marking is found in most literary works. In the sentences below, the class prefixes are underlined. There is a third, less common tone – starting high, dipping low and then ending high – all within the same vowel sound, e.g. Lingala being a tonal language, tone is a distinguishing feature in minimal pairs, e.g. Standard Lingala is historically associated with the work of the Catholic Church and missionaries. There are seven genders in total. Words in class 11 usually take a class 10 plural. However, the fact that speakers had very similar native languages prevented Lingala from becoming as radically restructured as Kituba, which developed among speakers of both Bantu and West African languages. There are over 70 million lingalophones. [6] The name Lingala first appears in writing in a publication by the CICM missionary Egide De Boeck (1903). In Kongo-Kinshasa ist Lingála, trotz der großen Verbreitung, nicht Unterrichtssprache an den Schulen. National African Language Resource Center (May 30, 2005). Zudem breitet sie sich langsam in den Süden aus (Sprachgebiet des Kikongo einschließlich Nordwestangolas)[1]. [8] In its basic vocabulary, Lingala has many borrowings from various other languages, such as French, Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Anwender. Moscow: Institute of Linguistics-Russian Academy of Sciences (соавторы Мухина Л.М., Топорова И.Н. Rogério Goma Mpasi: Lingala für Kongo und Zaire. Auf privater Basis werden jedoch sehr erfolgreiche Alphabetisierungskurse von lokalen Bevölkerungskomitees mit Unterstützung der UNESCO im Landesinneren durchgeführt. In der DR Kongo hat es nach der Amtssprache Französisch und neben Kikongo, Kiswahili und Tshiluba den Stand einer Nationalsprache. It is spoken to a lesser degree in Angola and the Central African Republic. As you will notice on the following verbs, the subject pronoun is directly attached to the verb. The Lingala spoken in Kinshasa shows a vowel shift from /ɔ/ to /o/, leading to the absence of the phoneme /ɔ/ in favor of /o/. So in Kinshasa, a native speaker will say mbóte as /ᵐbóte/, compared to the more traditional pronunciation of /ᵐbɔ́tɛ/. Like all Bantu languages, Lingala has a noun class system in which nouns are classified according to the prefixes they bear and according to the prefixes they trigger in sentences. Some orthographies are heavily influenced by that of French; influences include a double S, ss, to transcribe [s] (in the Republic of the Congo); ou for [u] (in the Republic of the Congo); i with trema, aï, to transcribe [áí] or [aí]; e with acute accent, é, to transcribe [e]; e to transcribe [ɛ], o with acute accent, ó, to transcribe [ɔ] or sometimes [o] in opposition to o transcribing [o] or [ɔ]; i or y can both transcribe [j]. Insgesamt sind es mehr als 10.000.000 Sprecher, demographisch bedingt stark zunehmend. Mehr... Sprache Deutsch . The prenasalized voiced occlusives, /ᵐb/, /ⁿd/, /ᵑɡ/, /ⁿz/ do not vary. To learn more Lingala, check out these links: Lesson Plan for Teaching ESL Students to Form Noun Clauses from Questions, Learn How Spanish Sentence Structure is Different from English Sentence Structure. Lingala developed as a language used mostly for trade. The Lingala language can be divided into several dialects or variations. In den Medien, der Armee, der Polizei, offiziellen Ansprachen und der Musik findet es eine große Verbreitung, was auch zur großen Verbreitung seit der Entkolonialisierung beigetragen hat. Angolanische Bakongo waren 1961/63 zu Hunderttausenden in die. According to some linguists, Lingala is a Bantu-based creole of Central Africa[7] with roots in the Bobangi language. The table below shows the noun classes of Lingala, ordered according to the numbering system that is widely used in descriptions of Bantu languages. For Lingala music, see, Geographic distribution of Lingala speakers, showing regions of native speakers (dark green) and other regions of use, Le grand Dzo : nouveau dictionnaire illustré lingala-français / Adolphe, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Bato ya Mangala, bakomi motuya boni na mokili ? Mitte der 80er-Jahre gab es rund 35 000 Zeugen Jehovas in Zaire (heute Demokratische Republik Kongo). The Lingala is a Bantu language (like the Swahili) spoken in Congo (Brazzaville & Kinshasa) Texts & Literature • Biblafrique : hymns in Lingala (+ sheet music) There are probably more than seven million people who speak Lingala as a second language and over two million who speak it as their first language. The latter was intended to mean '(language) of the Bangala' or 'of the River' (that is, 'Riverine Language'). Es wird auch in Teilen Gabuns und Ugandas gesprochen. Most words from class 14 (abstract nouns) do not have a plural counterpart. Bielefeld: Rump, 1992. Samarin, William J. National language of Democratic Republic of the Congo recognized in Republic of the Congo. jw2019 jw2019 . Niger-Kongo, Atlantik-Kongo, Volta-Congo, Benué-Kongo, Bantoid, Südliche Bantusprachen, Narrow Bantu, Nordwest, C, Bangi-Ntomba (C 40), Lusengo. Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales,ála&oldid=199085470, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, 2 Mio. The same occurs with /ɛ/ and /e/, leading to just /e/. As literacy in Lingala tends to be low, its popular orthography is very flexible and varies among the two republics. Individual classes pair up with each other to form singular/plural pairs, sometimes called 'genders'. : bôngó (therefore). Jahrhundert eine überregionale Verkehrs- und Handelssprache, wobei Égide de Bœck große Verdienste zukommen. The accents indicate the tones as follows: The Lord's Prayer (Protestant version used in Ubangi-Mongala region). Lingála, Sprachcode LIN, ist eine der acht Lusengo-Sprachen. (1998) "Maloba ma nkota Russ-Lingala-Falanse. The lack of consistent accentuation is lessened by the disambiguation due to context. Lingála wird in großen Teilen der Demokratischen Republik Kongo und der Republik Kongo sowie in kleinerem Maße in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik von über zehn Millionen Menschen gesprochen. Lingála gehört zu den Lusengo-Sprachen und ist sprachlich eng verwandt mit Bangala und Bobangi, wobei etwa ein Drittel des Wortschatzes lexikalische Ähnlichkeit mit letztgenannter Sprache aufweist, aus der es entstanden ist. Auch im Norden Angolas, besonders in der Provinz Uíge, beherrschen inzwischen viele Menschen neben dem in Nordangola ursprünglich gesprochenen Kikongo auch Lingála. In 1976, the Société Zaïroise des Linguistes (Zairian Linguists Society) adopted a writing system for Lingala, using the open e (ɛ) and the open o (ɔ) to write the vowels [ɛ] and [ɔ], and sporadic usage of accents to mark tone, though the limitation of input methods prevents Lingala writers from easily using the ɛ and ɔ and the accents. Lingala is part of the Bantu language family. Standard Lingala (called lingala littéraire or lingala classique in French) is mostly used in educational and news broadcasts on radio or television, in religious services in the Roman Catholic Church and is the language taught as a subject at all educational levels. Lingála bzw. Vorerst war Lingála, ursprünglich Lobangi genannt, die Sprache der Ethnie der Bangala. Spoken Lingala (called lingala parlé in French) is the variation mostly used in the day-to-day lives of Lingalaphones. Lingala, sometimes called Ngala, is spoken in the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and a bit in the Central African Republic; specifically, Lingala is used mostly in the Bandundu, Equateur, Orientale, and southeast Orientale provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Brazzaville and northward in the Republic of Congo.Lingala developed as a language used mostly for trade. The prenasalized stops formed with a nasal followed by a voiceless plosive are allophonic to the voiceless plosives alone in some variations of Lingala. Bantu language spoken in western Central Africa, This article is about the Lingala language. noun-modifier agreement is reduced to two classes. The major variations are considered to be Standard Lingala, Spoken Lingala, Kinshasa Lingala and Brazzaville Lingala. The colonial administration, in need of a common language for the region, started to use the language for administrative purposes. It is spoken to a lesser degree in Angola and the Central African Republic. Lingala has four tones which are sometimes indicated in writing as follows: 1. no accent for default tone, the low tone 2. acute accent <á> for the high tone 3. circumflex accent <â> for descending tone 4. caron <ǎ> for ascending tone Download an alphabet chart for Lingala(Excel) Details of the Lingala alphabet provided by Michael Peter Füstumum In the last two decades of the 19th century, after the forces of Leopold II of Belgium conquered the region and started exploiting it commercially, Bangi came into wider use. Muttersprachler und 8 Millionen Zweitsprachler. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. Lingala Words and Phrases - Greeting and Leave-taking, Lingala Grammar - Conjugation of the Verb “To Be”, Download and Print a Lingala Vocabulary List, Space Book and Games: Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max, Parents & Children: Time at Home, Activities Galore, Coronavirus: Games to Amuse the Kids While Quarantined, Coronavirus or COVID-19 Facts You Should Know: For Students and Parents, Early Education Information for Teachers, Parents & Caregivers (1781), Special Ed Information for Teachers & Parents (946), Strategies & Advice on Homeschooling (300), Teaching English as a Second Language (298), Teaching English-Speaking Students a Second Language (381), Teaching Methods, Tools & Strategies (657), Chinese Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, Classroom Management Tips & Methodologies, ESL Teaching Tips & Strategies for Any Grade Level, French Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, German Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, Help with Learning Japanese: Study Guides & Speaking Tips, Help with Learning to Write and Speak Chinese, Help with Writing Assignments: Paragraphs, Essays, Outlines & More, High School English Lesson Plans - Grades 9-12, High School History Lesson Plans, Grades 9-12, History Facts, Study Sheets & Homework Help, Homeschool Socialization Ideas & Activities, Inclusion Strategies for Mainstreamed Classrooms, Italian Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, Japanese Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, Learning French: Study Guides & Speaking Tips, Lesson Plans for High School Math, Grades 9-12, Lesson Plans for Middle School Social Studies, Lesson Plans & Worksheets for Grades 1 & 2, Lesson Plans & Worksheets for Grades 3 to 5, Literature Study Guides and Chapter Summaries, Preschool Crafts and Activities for Hands-on Learning, Preschool Lesson Plans, Worksheets & Themes for Year-Round Learning, Preschool Teaching Strategies, Advice & Tips, Secular & Non-Secular Homeschool Curriculum Reviews, Social Studies Help: Cultures, Governments & More, Software Reviews & Second Language Acquisition Ideas, Spanish Lesson Plans for Secondary Grades 6-12, Special Education Law: IDEA, IEPs, 504s, CSEs & Planning, Study & Learning Tips for Parents & Students, Teaching Students with Emotional & Behavioral Disorders, Teaching Students with Hearing Impairments, Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities, Teaching Students with Neurological Disorders, Teaching Students with Physical Disabilities, Teaching Students with Visual Impairments, Teaching Tips for Foreign Language Instructors, Test Taking Techniques for All Grades & Ages, Tips for Effectively Teaching High School Students, Tips & Strategies for Summer School Teachers, Tips & Strategies for Teaching Grade School, Tips & Strategies for Teaching the Gifted Student, Understanding Infant Development & Learning. Dies gilt besonders für Kikongo-Sprecher, die häufige Kontakte über die Grenze in den Kongo haben. For example, the words ndɔbɔ 'fishhook' and ndobo 'mouse trap' are found, but not *ndɔbo or *ndobɔ. Many Lingala books, papers, even the translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and more recently, Internet forums, newsletters, and major websites, such as Google's Lingala, do not use the Lingala-specific characters ɛ and ɔ. April 2020 um 13:01 Uhr bearbeitet. : mutu (human being) and mutú (head), or kokoma (to write) and kokóma (to arrive). Aus Lobangi, vermischt mit weiteren Bantusprachen, entstand im 19. Lingála bzw. The popular orthographies seem to be a step ahead of any academic-based orthography. This variation of Lingala is historically associated with the Protestant missionaries' work. In der Hauptstadt Kinshasa hat es die dort übliche Regionalsprache Kikongo schon seit längerem in der Anzahl Sprecher überholt. The importance of Lingala as a vernacular has since grown with the size and importance of its main centers of use, Kinshasa and Brazzaville; with its use as the lingua franca of the armed forces; and with the popularity of soukous music. Lingala words show vowel harmony to some extent. ntaba 'goat', but as 'm' on words that start with b or p (e.g. Class 9 and 10 have a nasal prefix, which assimilates to the following consonant. Die drei genannten Posten gehörten zu den ersten im unteren Kongobecken, welche ab 1899 katholische Missionsstationen wurden. The convention of 1976 reduced the alternative orthography of characters but did not enforce tone marking. Modern spoken Lingala is increasingly influenced by French; French verbs, for example, may be "lingalized" adding Lingala inflection prefixes and suffixes: "acomprenaki te" or "acomprendraki te" (he did not understand, using the French word comprendre) instead of classic Lingala "asímbaki ntína te" (literally: s/he grasped/held the root/cause not). For example, it is almost impossible to type Lingala according to that convention with a common English or French keyboard. Lingala (Ngala) (Lingala: lingála) is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a large part of the Republic of the Congo. Additionally, many household items found in class 9 take a class 2 prefix (ba) in the plural: lutu → balutu 'spoon', mesa → bamesa 'table', sani → basani 'plate'. They are added to some verb root in the following order: The first tone segment affects the subject part of the verb, the second tone segment attaches to the semantic morpheme attached to the root of the verb. European missionaries called the language Bangala, after the Bangala people, or Lingala. (1) [ᶮʒ] is allophonic with [ʒ] depending on the dialect. It is similar to the Lusengo, Bangala, and Bobangi languages. Im Herzen der von diesen bewohnten Region Ngala, auf halbem Weg zwischen Léopoldville (heute Kinshasa) und Stanleyville (heute Kisangani), wurde der Hafen Nouvelle Anvers (Neu-Antwerpen) (seit 1966 Makanza) als eine der ersten Handelsstationen des Kongo-Freistaates errichtet. Dr. Adolphe Dzokanga vom Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales in Paris hat mehrere wichtige Werke über Lingála verfasst. Around 1900, CICM missionaries started a project to "purify" the language in order to make it "pure Bantu" again. Na sanza ya minei na 2014, biro ya filiale ya Congo (Kinshasa) ezwaki mokanda moko ya kosimba motema oyo eutaki epai ya babomi-mbisi oyo bafandaka na Ibinja, esanga moko na Laki Kivu. Lingala, sometimes called Ngala, is spoken in the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and a bit in the Central African Republic; specifically, Lingala is used mostly in the Bandundu, Equateur, Orientale, and southeast Orientale provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Brazzaville and northward in the Republic of Congo. 5,500,000. Sprachlich gehört sie zu den Bantusprachen, die in Ost- und Zentralafrika sowie im südlichen Afrika gesprochen werden. Aus dem Französischen und aus dem Kiswahili wurden vereinzelt Lehnwörter aufgenommen. In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen noch folgende wichtige Informationen: Phonetik und Phonologie, Grammatik, Wortschatz, Rechtschreibung, Beispiel und Literatur; vgl. Tósolola Na Lingála: Let's Speak Lingala (Let's Speak Series). Spoken Lingala is largely used in informal functions, and the majority of Lingala songs use spoken Lingala over other variations. Lingala is more a spoken than written language, and has several different writing systems, most of them ad hoc. Sie wird hauptsächlich in den beiden Kongo-Staaten und Angola gesprochen, wo sie den Status einer Nationalsprache hat. Also, you will note that there is a different prefix for the third person depending on whether the subject being reference is human (one prefix) or else an animal or an object (a different prefix). Seit 1970 ist die Bibel vollständig auf Lingala übersetzt. It also has a full range of morphological noun prefixes with mandatory grammatical agreement system with subject–verb, or noun–modifier for each of class. It had already simplified, compared to local Bantu languages, in its sentence structure, word structure and sounds, and speakers borrowed words and constructs liberally from other languages. In the 19th century, before the creation of the Congo Free State, the Bangala (literally: 'river people') were a group of similar Bantu peoples living and trading along the bend of the Congo River that reached from Irebu at the mouth of the Ubangi River to the Mongala River. Possible ambiguities are solved by the context. It has a full morphological noun prefix system, but the agreement system is more lax than the standard variation, i.e. Lingala (auch Ngála oder liNgála) ist eine afrikanische Verkehrs- und Handelssprache. Native to: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Angola Region: Congo River Official language in: None. mbisi 'fish'). They set out to 'correct' and 'expand' the language by drawing on lexical and grammatical elements from surrounding vernacular languages. All Rights Reserved. Vom Neuen Testament und den Psalmen gibt es unterschiedliche Ausgaben. (1990) 'The origins of Kituba and Lingala'. The script is used in the church of Kimbangu as a liturgical script. The Lingala language has 35 letters and digraphs. Cette plateforme est dédiée à l'apprentissage du … Thus, the prefix shows up as 'n' on words that start with t or d, e.g. Only to a certain extent, noun class allocation is semantically governed. In practice, the extent of borrowing varies widely with speakers of different regions (commonly among young people), and during different occasions. There are four morphemes modifying verbs. In other classes, semantical regularities are mostly absent or are obscured by many exceptions. The Mandombe script is an abugida, primarily used to write Kikongo, that can also be used for Lingala. There is also a prefixless class 9a and 10a, exemplified by sánzá → sánzá 'moon(s) or month(s)'. Copyright © 2020 Bright Hub Education. Na katikati ya bambula ya 1980, Batatoli bazalaki soki 35 000 na Zaïre (lelo oyo … Es gibt Wörterbücher etwa ins Spanische, Französische oder Englische. It is similar to the Lusengo, Bangala, and Bobangi languages. The singular classes 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 take their plural forms from classes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, respectively. Khabirov, Valeri. It has a seven-vowel system (/a/ /e/ /ɛ/ /i/ /o/ /ɔ/ /u/) with an obligatory tense-lax vowel harmony. For starters, here are some important Lingala words and phrases you will use whenever you cross paths with someone else. Regarding phonology, there is also a seven-vowel system but the vowel harmony is not mandatory. Whether you wish to learn Lingala for interest’s sake or because you plan to visit an African country where it is used or because you have friends who speak it, there are certain words and phrases that you should learn for everyday, basic conversation. However, this was an error, as the proper Bangi form would have been Kingala. The digraphs each have a specific order in the alphabet; for example, mza will be expected to be ordered before mba, because the digraph mb follows the letter m. The letters r and h are rare but present in borrowed words. [5] They spoke similar languages, such as Losengo, but their trade language was Bangi, which was the most prestigious language between Stanley Pool (Kinshasa) and Irebu. There are two tones possible, the normal one is low and the second one is high. 12 talking about this. Noun class prefixes do not show up only on the noun itself, but serve as markers throughout the whole sentence. Standard Lingala is largely used in formal functions. The allophones are also found as alternating forms in the popular orthography; sango is an alternative to nsango (information or news); nyonso, nyoso, nionso, nioso (every) are all transcriptions of nyɔ́nsɔ. A conjugation of the verb in Lingala that means “to be” will give you a taste for how Lingala grammar works. [2] Entstanden ist Lingála entlang des Kongo-Flusses in der Provinz Equateur. (There is a special verbal form 'a' of the prefix for class 1 nouns.). As a result, people upstream of the Bangala mistook Bangi for the language of the Bangala and called it Lingala (language of the Bangala), and European missionaries followed suit. The close-mid vowels /e/ and /o/ normally do not mix with the open-mid vowels /ɛ/ and /ɔ/ in words. This allowed the language to spread easily amongst the Congolese population. ", Dictionnaire bilingues lingala - français, Dictionary of Congo-Brazzaville National Languages, Lingala Swadesh list of basic vocabulary words, Small Collection of Lingala Online resources, Maneno (African blogging platform) in Lingala, Languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,, ISO language articles citing sources other than Ethnologue, Articles containing Lingala-language text, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from June 2017, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from June 2017, Pages using citations with format and no URL, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, pronounced slightly higher than the cardinal, Native speakers: Estimates range from 10 to 15 million speakers (2017), Reciprocal or stationary (-an-, sometimes -en-), Bokamba, Eyamba George et Bokamba, Molingo Virginie. ), 384 p. This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 11:02. Русско-лингала-французский словарь". Lingala (Ngala) (Lingala: lingála) is a Bantu language spoken throughout the northwestern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a large part of the Republic of the Congo. Classes 1/2, as in all Bantu languages, mainly contain words for human beings; similarly, classes 9/10 contain many words for animals. Lingala (auch Ngála oder liNgála) ist eine afrikanische Verkehrs- und Handelssprache. Region.
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