[19] Legislators and Governor Pat McCrory (R) disagreed over religious exemptions for local officials issuing marriage licenses, which is detailed here. Gutiérrez won the primary. Representatives from the state of Illinois, one from each of the state's 18 congressional districts.The elections coincided with the elections of other federal and state offices, including Governor of Illinois and United States Senate. Please, check your state's information for accuracy. In 2013, however, this trend switched, and the state experienced a Republican trifecta instead. The Michigan House of Representatives was one of 20 state legislative chambers noted by Ballotpedia staff as being a 2014 battleground chamber. Gov. The General Assembly meets in the state capital of Raleigh (except for special occasions, when legislators might decide to hold a ceremonial session in some other city). Cooper (D) was sworn in as the 75th governor of North Carolina. The 1st district includes the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan and part of the Lower Peninsula. Democratic lawmakers achieved victory in sustaining the veto on the voter I.D. The General Assembly of North Carolina adjourned its 2017 session. Peters is not running for re-election, he is instead running for the United States Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democrat Carl Levin in 2014. [16] The incumbent is Democrat Danny K. Davis, who has represented the district since 1997. [102] First quarter, 2014 Federal Election Commission filings show Trott self-funded his campaign with over $800,000 while acquiring approximately $850,000 from donors. [31] In March 2014, he announced that he would not run for re-election. All data from 2006 or earlier comes from Michael Dubin's Party Affiliations in the State Legislatures (McFarland Press, 2007). "[2] Walberg won the Republican nomination.[65]. [28][29], Ann Callis, a former Madison County Chief Judge; George Gollin, a physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign; and David Green, a policy analyst at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, all sought the Democratic nomination. For Democrats to pick up the House, they needed to maintain their 50 seats and add 11. [1][2], The 2014 election was also the first since the passage of right-to-work legislation, which contributed to decreased approval for Snyder. The 7th district is located in Southern Michigan. In 2019, the legislature was in session from January 9, 2019, through October 31, 2019. The incumbent is Democrat Bill Foster, who has represented the district since 2013 and previously represented the 14th district from 2008 to 2011. As of September 30, 2013, Levin had raised $620,167.36, and has $347,066.37 cash on-hand available for a presumed re-election bid. There are also many other types of statewide measures. A three-judge panel rejected Gov. The number of voting representatives in the House is fixed by law at no more than 435, proportionally representing the population of the 50 states. From 1992 to 2010, Senate Democrats controlled the North Carolina State Senate. Brikho is running for US Congress in Michigan | Peace . bill. [29] Champaign City Councilman Paul Faraci; State Senator Mike Frerichs; David Gill, a physician and four-time Democratic nominee; Chris Koos, the Mayor of Normal; and, Champaign County State's Attorney Julia Rietz, declined to run.[33][34]. The General Assembly makes the laws of North Carolina, also known as the General Statutes. The General Assembly of North Carolina voted to override Gov. The filing deadline was December 20, 2019. [1], The General Assembly is referred to as both the North Carolina General Assembly and the General Assembly of North Carolina, with no official precedent. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives … A list of those incumbents (19 Democrats, 21 Republicans and one independent) can be found above. [26], Paula Bradshaw, a nurse and local radio talk show host who had previously run as the Green Party nominee in 2012, ran for a second time.[27]. The removal of his domicile from the district shall be deemed a vacation of the office. Elections for the Michigan House of Representatives took place in 2014. "[40] Cooper said that the legislation had been "unconstitutional and anything but bipartisan. The incumbent is Democrat Robin Kelly, who had represented the district after being elected with 71% of the vote in a special election in April 2013. Democrats held the state House from 2004 until the 2010 election when Republicans gained 15 seats and took control of the chamber. [6], Eric Wallace, who finished second in the Republican primary for the seat in the special election, was the Republican nominee. The incumbent is Democrat John Dingell, who has represented the district since 2013 and previously represented the 15th district from 2003 to 2013, the 16th district from 1965 to 2003 and the 15th district from 1955 to 1965. Local measures | 9 of 1986 and to re-enact new Legislation Governing Nurses and Midwives Council Act, 2014 and other matters related thereto. The 2014 United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois were held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 to elect the 18 U.S. Harold attempted to replace Johnson on the general election ballot following his retirement announcement, but was passed over for Davis. Cooper allowed House Bill 90 to become law without his signature. Representatives The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. [5] As of September 30, 2013, Benishek had raised $676,545.98, and has $500,163.86 cash on-hand toward a presumed re-election bid. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Communications: Kristen Vonasek • Kayla Harris • Megan Brown • Mary Dunne • Sarah Groat • Heidi Jung Note: Incumbent Sean McCann (D) ran for Michigan State Senate District 20. The general election took place on November 4, 2014. Kaifesh won the primary.[17][18]. The general election took place on November 4, 2014. [26], The Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative is a joint project of the Pew Charitable Trusts and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation that works to partner with states in implementing cost-benefit analysis models.[27]. Elections calendar | State constitution, Courts in North Carolina | [2] The incumbent is Democrat Bobby Rush, who had represented the district since 1993. In April 2017, Gov. A primary election took place on May 6, 2014. [43][44], Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 2014 United States House of Representatives elections, "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 4, 2014", Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, "Official Illinois State Board of Elections Results", "Western Springs, La Grange area ballot takes shape", "Brannigan set to challenge Lipinski for Congress", Rep. Quigley Finally Gets GOP Opponent as Kolber Kicks Off Bid, "Mason announces run for 6th Congressional District", "Goel announces 8th congressional candidacy", "Marine veteran to take on U.S. Rep. Duckworth", "Three candidates file in 9th Congressional District race", "Dold, Hickory file to challenge Schneider for Illinois 10th District", "Balkema enters Republican primary race for Congress", "Most Competitive Primary in Ill. Is for Foster's Seat", "Enyart seeking re-election to House' 12th District", "Paper-flinging Illinois candidate Mike Bost being highlighted by national Republicans", "Bradshaw to make second run at Congress", "Harold will seek 13th District nomination against Davis", "Seven File Petitions For 13th District Seat", "Callis: Public service is motivation to seek 13th District seat", "UI physicist joins race for 13th District", "Champaign Dem joins field for 13th District primary", "Tom Kacich: Dems already looking ahead to 2014", "*** UPDATED x1 - Callis resigns to run for Congress *** Quinn makes Gill an assistant director", "Anderson makes another run for Congress", "Second Democrat declares for 14th Congressional race", "Is it 2014 already? The Republicans increased their seats from 59 to 63. As of September 30, 2013, he had raised $299,148.00 and had $337,402.23 cash on-hand. Results of the 2014 United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois by district:[1]. Phone: 202-224-3121 Election governance | In 2018, the legislature was in session from January 10, 2018, through July 4, 2018. The General Assembly is a bicameral legislature, consisting of the North Carolina House of Representatives (formerly the North Carolina House of Commons) and the North Carolina State Senate. In all 110 districts up for election in 2014, candidates from both major parties ran for election. Note: Incumbent Thomas Stallworth, III (D) ran for Michigan State Senate District 5. Concepcion lost to the incumbent Representative, Gutiérrez, in this solidly Democratic district. The primary election was held on May 8, 2012, and the general election was held on November 6, 2012. Since Gov. Cooper's veto of SB 3 and HB 3. Before the legislature adjourned its regular scheduled session, the legislature scheduled the following additional session dates: August 3, August 18 to August 25, August 28 to August 31, and October 4 to October 17.[13]. Schilling was the Republican nominee.[41][42]. Christina Conyers was the only filed Republican candidate for the GOP primary. North Carolina was one of the 10 states that used cost-benefit analysis more than the rest of the states with respect to determining the return on investment of state programs. Note: Incumbent Terry Brown (D) ran for Michigan State Senate District 25. He was re-elected with 82% of the vote in 2012 and the district has a PVI of D+29. Harold attempted to replace Johnson on the general election ballot following his retirement announcement, but was passed over for Davis. A total of 25 incumbents did not run for re-election in 2014. Over the course of the 22-year study, state governments became increasingly more partisan. The incumbent is Republican Dan Benishek, who has represented the district since 2011. 2006 was an election that trended nationally for Democrats and saw them retake control of the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in 12 years.[36]. Cooper (D), which proposed reducing the number of judges on the state Court of Appeals from 15 to 12 and allowing more cases to be appealed to the state Supreme Court. The bill proposed changing the state board of elections. LOVE, "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Levin For Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Committee to Elect George Brikho", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Dildilian for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Candice Miller for Congress", "U.S. Rep. Candice Miller says she will not seek Levin's seat", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Candice Miller for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Committee to Elect Don Volaric", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Bentivolio for Congress", "Oakland County lawyer, fundraiser launches bid to unseat Bentivolio", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Trott for Congress, Inc", "Ex-State Department official Bobby McKenzie seeks to unseat Kerry Bentivolio", "Counter-terrorism expert seeks Rep. Bentivolio's seat", "Democrats Recruiting Challenger to Bentivolio in Michigan", "Democrats Lose Top Recruit to Challenge Bentivolio (Updated)", "2014 Official Michigan Primary Election Results - 11th District Representative in Congress 2 Year Term (1) Position", http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20140805/POLITICS01/308050103/Challenger-Dave-Trott-defeats-U-S-Rep-Kerry-Bentivolio?odyssey=tab%7Ctopnews%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE, "Michigan news - Detroit Free Press - freep.com", "Kerry Bentivolio to Wage Write-In Campaign", "Birmingham's David Wolkinson Joins Bentivolio Re-Election Campaign", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Bentivolio for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Trott for Congress, Inc", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Kumar for Congress", "WSU law school dean Benson will not run for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for John D. Dingell for Congress", John Dingell, longest-serving U.S. representative, to retire | Detroit Free Press | freep.com, Debbie Dingell to announce run for husband's U.S. House seat | Detroit Free Press | freep.com, Debbie Dingell Looks to Succeed John Dingell in Michigan, "2014 Official Michigan Primary Election Results - 12th District Representative in Congress 2 Year Term (1) Position", Debbie Dingell to run for House seat being vacated by John Dingell, Will Debbie Dingell Succeed Her Husband in Congress? 14-August-2020, 01:33:27 PM House all set to host 11th AIPA Caucus on Aug. 14 13-August-2020, 06:39:33 PM House of Representatives hosts first-ever virtual AIPA Caucus 11-August-2020, 07:29:39 PM Women Legislators Support Local Fashion: Walk the talk in the time of COVID (Senate Bill 4). In 2015, the legislature was in session from January 14 through September 30. The legislature overturned the governor's veto of HB 1029. House Bill 239 would have reduced the number of judges on the state Court of Appeals from 15 to 12. The 5th district is located in Central Michigan. Note: Incumbent Bob Genetski (R) did not seek re-election due to term limits. Dennis Anderson, a public health researcher who unsuccessfully challenged Hultgren as the Democratic nominee in 2012, and John J. Hosta, a businessman, sought the Democratic nomination to challenge Hultgren. The qualifications to be a member of the House are found in the state Constitution: "Each Representative, at the time of his election, shall be a qualified voter of the State, and shall have resided in the district for which he is chosen for one year immediately preceding his election." The legislation would require the next three vacancies on the court to go unfilled. [9], Elections for the North Carolina House of Representatives took place in 2016. The filing deadline was December 20, 2019. The incumbent was Republican Aaron Schock, who had represented the district since 2009. Rob Mellon, a schoolteacher and Army veteran, and Darrel Miller, a farmer, sought the Democratic nomination to challenge Schock. Cooper's veto of Senate Bill 99, a $23.9 billion budget bill. The governor would be the creature of the assembly, elected by it and removable by it….The governor could not take any important step without the advice and consent of the 'council of state,' and he had no voice in the appointment or removal of [council of state members].” This constitution was not submitted to a vote of the people. The Legislature held a special session on March 23 to discuss Charlotte's LGBT bathroom ordinance that would have went into effect on April 1. In total, Gov. She was re-elected with 66% of the vote in 2012 and the district had a PVI of D+15. Judicial Selection | Prior to the 2016 elections, Republicans controlled the Senate, House, and governor's office. [39], Randall Olsen, a retired X-ray technician and Air Force veteran, was the Democratic nominee.[40]. Under the law, workers cannot be required to pay union membership dues, although numerous unions locked in new contracts requiring payments before the law took effect in March 2013. The redistricting session covered more than just redistricting, with Republicans overriding five of Governor Perdue's (D) vetoes. Taxes. [129] Conyers defeated Horace Sheffield III for the Democratic nomination.[130]. He sued over House Bill 239, which reduced the number of judges on the appellate bench from 15 to 12. The Republican gains from 2010 to 2016 were in line with a national trend toward Republican state legislatures during the presidency of Barack Obama (D). External Relations: Alison Prange • Sara Key • Sarah Rosier • Kari Berger The Republican gains from 2010 to 2016 were in line with a national trend toward Republican state legislatures during the presidency of Barack Obama (D). The 10th district is located an area of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan known as The Thumb. [20] In September 2013, Amash ended months of speculation regarding whether he would run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Carl Levin, choosing instead to run for re-election to his House seat. Roy Cooper (D) and the General Assembly of North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina also sent Senate Bill 68 to Gov. In losing the 2016 election, incumbent Gov. Rush was re-elected by 46 points. As of September 30, 2013, Walberg had raised $482,372.42, and has $570,160.47 cash on-hand available for a presumed re-election bid. The incumbent is Republican Rodney L. Davis, who has represented the district since 2013. Callis won the primary. Steve Israel, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, identified this district as one of his top targets for 2014. [42] Sen. Chad Barefoot (R) said the legislation returned "power that was grabbed during Democratic administrations in the 1990s, and some in the '70s. Read more: Name: Zanzibar House Corporation Act, No.6/2014: Year: 2014 A trifecta exists when one political party simultaneously holds the governor’s office and majorities in both state legislative chambers. [100] Foreclosure attorney David Trott, a major campaign donor for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign and a close friend to Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, is challenging Bentivolio in the Republican primary. Republicans lost three seats in the 2014 election but maintained their supermajority. [7] Former Kalkaska County Sheriff Jerry Cannon has been recruited by Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Lon Johnson to challenge Benishek in the general election. "[111], The Rothenberg Political Report has rated this race "Republican Favored."[2]. Michael Mason, a retired postal manager, is the Democratic nominee.[15]. The Democratic Party was looking to break the Republican stronghold in 2014, and needing to gain five of the Republicans' seats to do so. Property qualifications for holding office were also abolished. The candidate filing deadline was February 29, 2012. Following the election, Republicans held a 35-15 majority in the Senate and a 74-46 majority in the House. Jim Phillips, Gov. Republicans picked up 11 seats in that election and won a 31-19 majority. Cooper says are intended to undermine his authority as governor. Republicans used its veto-proof majority in the legislature to override 10 vetoes. It also requires criminal background checks for election workers and directs judges to list political affiliation on the ballot. Note: Donnie MaLone received one write-in vote. Senate Bill 68 proposed merging the state elections board and ethics commission and splitting the new board between Democrats and Republicans. [32] Click show on the right side of the table below to compare state policies: The Senate has 50 members. Each member represented an average of 79,462 residents, as of the 2010 Census. Between 1992 and 2008, partisan control of the North Carolina House of Representatives fluctuated, swinging back and forth between the Democratic and Republican parties. Cooper from filling the next three vacancies on the court and would require them to go unfilled. Members of the House were still elected by county, but more populous counties were entitled to more representatives. Note: Incumbent Tom McMillin (R) ran for Congress. Manju Goel, a healthcare consultant, and Larry Kaifesh, a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps, sought the Republican nomination to challenge Duckworth. Alexandra Eidenberg, a small business advocate, and Jorge Zavala, a diplomatic agent for the Consulate General of Mexico, challenged Gutiérrez in the Democratic primary. Let’s deal with the reality: It’s a power grab. Democrat Marc Basnight who was President pro tempore held the office longer than anyone in history. [26], The governor is constitutionally and statutorily required to submit a balanced budget. North Carolina legislators assume office the first day of the new General Assembly in January. The incumbent is Republican Bill Huizenga, who has represented the district since 2011. The final three years of the study depicted a shift from Democrat to Republican control in the North Carolina House with the final year being a Republican trifecta. [119] If she is elected, she will become the first person in U.S. history to succeed a living spouse in Congress. Michigan has been a Republican state government trifecta since 2011, when Gov. Note: Incumbent Eileen Kowall (R) did not seek re-election due to term limits. Note: Incumbent Margaret O'Brien (R) won election to Michigan State Senate District 20. A law similar to Senate Bill 68 was ruled unconstitutional on March 17, 2017. Before the election, Republicans held a state government trifecta, meaning they controlled the governor's office and both chambers of the legislature. Note: Paul Lyons received two write-in votes. State Senate | You may sort by Representative Name, Party, or District by selecting from the 'Sort Order' dropdown. Elections for the office of North Carolina House of Representatives took place in 2010. SB 3 prohibits, The General Assembly of North Carolina referred the. A total of 41 incumbents did not run for re-election in 2014. Between 1992 and 2016, partisan control of the North Carolina State Senate shifted from being heavily Democratic to a Republican majority. The 4th district is located in Northern and Central Michigan. Note: Incumbent John Walsh (R) did not seek re-election due to term limits. Elections for the office of North Carolina House of Representatives will take place in 2020. The Lamonte-Hughes race and the Brinks-DeJonge race were top priorities for Michigan House Democrats, according to Rep. Brandon Dillon, the caucus' campaign chairman. Campaign finance requirements, Who represents me? Cooper filed his third lawsuit against the Republican-led legislature over his appointment powers. As you would expect, the first digit indicates the floor level. [16] The incumbent is Democrat Danny K. Davis, who has represented the district since 1997. Currently, there are five delegates representing the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of … Cooper’s lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Senate Bill 68. Gov. The Trott campaign has denied this, saying that "nothing like that occurred." Cooper vetoed a regulatory bill (Senate Bill 16) and a bill that would decrease Cooper's power to appoint members to the North Carolina Medical Board. Gutiérrez was re-elected by 56 points.[5]. Following the general election, the Republican Party retained control of the Michigan House of Representatives. The elections will coincide with the elections of other federal and state offices, including the election of Michigan's governor, as well as the Class 2 U.S. Senate Seat Across the country, there were 541 Democratic and 517 Republican state senates from 1992 to 2013. [22] Amash defeated Ellis in the Republican primary.[23]. The final three years of the study depicted a shift in the North Carolina senate with the final year being a Republican trifecta. The elections coincided with the elections of other federal and state offices, including Governor of Illinois and United States Senate. Callis won the primary. [31] The NCSL published a report in June 2014 that counted 47 states with disclosure requirements for outside income, business associations, and property holdings. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if(void 0!==a.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var e in a.data["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-"+e)||document.querySelector("iframe[src*='"+e+"']");if(t)(t.style.height=a.data["datawrapper-height"][e]+"px")}})}(); State legislatures can override governors' vetoes. The exceptions to these disclosure categories were Idaho, Michigan, and Vermont. The incumbent was Democrat Jan Schakowsky, who had represented the district since 1999. Gutiérrez was re-elected by 56 points.[5]. The chart below depicts the partisanship of the North Carolina state government and the state's SQLI ranking for the years studied. What's on my ballot? It was expected to reconvene on January 14, 2020, over redistricting, vetoes, and healthcare. He was re-elected with 74% of the vote in 2012 and the district had a PVI of D+28. [6][7], Elections for the North Carolina State Senate took place in 2016. The 12th district is located between Detroit's western suburbs and Ann Arbor. The table below shows the partisan history of the North Carolina State Senate following every general election from 1992 to 2016. Note: Incumbent Andrew Kandrevas (D) did not seek re-election due to term limits. Gov. If after such reconsideration three-fifths of the members of that house present and voting shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections and veto message, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; and if approved by three-fifths of the members of that house present and voting, it shall become a law notwithstanding the objections of the Governor.". Note: Incumbent Wayne Schmidt (R), who was term-limited, won election to Michigan State Senate District 37. In 2011, the legislature was in regular session from January 26 to June 18. Federal courts | [6] Iron Mountain businessman and 2012 Republican National Convention delegate Alan Arcand has announced his intention to challenge Benishek in the Republican primary. ", "2014 Official Michigan Primary Election Results - 1st District Representative in Congress 2 Year Term (1) Position", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Benishek for Congress Inc", "Official Election Results Primary Election August 5, 2014", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Cannon for Congress", "Retired general, Gitmo commander Jerry Cannon to challenge Dan Benishek for U.S. House seat in 2014", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Committee to Elect Kevin Glover", https://mielections.us/election/results/14GEN/, "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Huizenga for Congress, Inc", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Huizenga for Congress, Inc", "Democratic Candidate Announces For Michigan Second Congressional District", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Amash for Congress", "Rep. Justin Amash nixes 2014 Senate run", "West Michigan businessman Brian Ellis announces run against Rep. Justin Amash", "2014 Official Michigan Primary Election Results - 3rd District Representative in Congress 2 Year Term (1) Position", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Amash for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Brian Ellis for Congress", "Senator Jansen decides against congressional run", "FEC Disclosure Form 2 for Richard Abbott for Congress", "FEC Disclosure Form 3 for Dave Camp for Congress", "Dave Camp to retire after his current term", "2014 Official Michigan Primary Election Results - 4th District Representative in Congress 2 Year Term (1) Position", "Roscommon Republican Peter Konetchy to challenge Dave Camp for Michigan congressional seat", "Saginaw County businessman Paul Mitchell enters race for Congressman Dave Camp's seat", "Moolenaar to run for Congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Dave Camp", "State Sen. Darwin Booher won't run for Dave Camp's seat in Congress", "Dave Camp's retiring.
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